Ukrainian legal company - the Law firm "Caesar"A law firm "Caesar" was founded in Lvov (Ukraine) on March, 15 in 1995 by the outstanding lawyer - graduate of law faculty of the Lviv National University of Ivan Franco - Orest Sosyak. Complex legal servicing of legal entities with foreign investments was at once selected as a profile by the founder of this enterprise. Such profile a firm adheres to furthermore. It was decided to name the Law firm by the name of such prominent state and political figure of ancient Rome as Julius Caesar. He conducted effective legal reforms, that allowed putting in an economic and civil order in a country and created pre-conditions for further development and expansion of the Roman Empire. From the name "Caesar" originate such titles as Caesar, Keiser, and Tsar. Julius Caesar carried out enormous influence on the Roman law that is the basis of present-day legislation of many countries; also he was a successful war-lord. Therefore the name Caesar is the symbol of success and jurisprudence. The aim of the Law firm "Caesar" is creation of legal constituent of defense and further expansion of clients' business. Our lawyers have considerable knowledge and experience in the branches of the Ukrainian law and international law that is confirmed by reputation and judicial practice. The Law firm's workers speak Russian, English and German. All these factors explain an international investors' choice exactly of our firm as a legal advisor. The Law firm "Caesar" in different time gave and renders legal services to more than to 100 companies - bothUkrainian and foreign, and also to natural persons. Among our clients there are a lot of Danish, German (European) and American investors. It is possible to mention a couple of them:
Since the moment of creation the Law firm went through different times, however constantly developed. As a result for today our Law firm suited with serious mental furniture and experience. Partners and workers of our Law firm got the rank of advocate. The partners of Law firm conducted the row of successful trials, in particular as an example it could be mentioned legal case about the enforcement of the local State tax inspection in Ukraine to reimburse 1,5 million VAT (value added tax) to the enterprise. We won this legal case in courts of Ukraine of all levels and our client got 1,5 million UAH on his banking account as reimbursement of VAT. Now there are a few the legal cases of such scale in our proceeding. Having for an aim and in future to help you, we offer to you our collaboration. Our profile furthermore remains Complex servicing of legal entities. We are convinced that a competition improves services' quality. Maybe, it's worth to diversify the sources of legal services and involve us help you.
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